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Managing Assignment or Discussion Submissions

Assignment Modules and Discussion Modules are two great ways to engage with students taking a Course. Assignments allow you to evaluate students knowledge and verify that they are putting in work, while Discussions allow for targeted Group discussions where students can interact with other students and the instructor about the discussions topic.

With both of these module options, you will be able to view and evaluate Pending Submissions, and award points based on their submission. In the case of an Assignment submission, you'll also have the ability to accept or reject their submission. 

In this guide, we'll go through how to manage both Assignment and Discussion Submissions from students. 

In this article

Managing Assignment Submissions

Assignment Modules allow you to request students to submit either a long-form text based answer, or any type of file. This allows you to request images, videos, documents, and more from your students for you to evaluate. To learn more about setting up an Assignment in a course, check out the Creating an Assignment Module article. Once the student has submitted the Assignment, you can evaluate assignment submissions.

  1. From the Admin Dashboard, select Courses, then All Courses
  2. Find the course you are looking to evaluate assignment submissions for in the table and click the three-dot action menu to select View Submissions. You are then able to see all Pending Submissions for that Course, and are also able to filter by Type (Discussion or Assignment) and search by Student name. 
  3. Find the student and submission you want to evaluate and click the Evaluate link.
  4. Read the message from the student and click the Download link to download their submitted file.
  5. Write out a response so the student knows what they did right or what they should improve, decide whether you want to Accept or Reject the submission (enable toggle to Accept), and determine the points they have earned for their submission.
  6. Click the Accept (or Reject) button to complete the evaluation. If you have rejected the Assignment submission, the student will be asked to re-submit an improved version and you can once more evaluate it.

You're also able to view all Pending Submissions right on your Admin Dashboard:

Managing Discussion Submissions

Once a student submits a response on the Discussion Module, you'll be able to evaluate their response. When viewing the submission, you will see the name of your Module, the original discussion topic, and your student's comments. 

  1. When a student submits a Discussion response, you'll be notified on your Admin Dashboard, as seen in the screenshot above in the Assignment section. Note that this will only show in this Pending Submissions area if the module is set to be graded and included in course grading/evaluation.
  2. You can also view all Discussion submissions for a specific Course by going to the Admin Dashboard, select Courses, then All Courses
  3. Find the Course you want to evaluate and click the three-dot action menu. Choose Submissions. You are then able to see all Pending Submissions for that Course, and are also able to filter by Type (Discussion or Assignment) and search by Student name.
  4. Find the student and submission you want to evaluate and click the Evaluate link.
  5. Read the student's comments, enter your response, and award a point value
  6. Click Evaluate Submission