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Getting Started & Platform Basics

Set up basics--overview of the platform and how to configure general settings

11 articles

Managing Users

Everything from from adding/enrolling users to editing role permissions

11 articles

Creating Self Paced Course Content: Building Modules

Create the building blocks for your Courses using PDFs, SCORM, text, videos and more

21 articles

Building & Managing Courses

Create courses out of modules, and learn how to manage and sell them as well

13 articles

Setting up eCommerce & Creating Products for Self-Enrollment

Create products to sell courses, manage orders, and link payment gateways

17 articles

Using & Managing Groups: Branded Portals for Organizations

Everything on managing Groups as both an Admin or Group Admin

7 articles

Instructor-Led Training

How instructors can create and update courses and Zoom webinars

1 article

Adding SCORM Content to Modules

Configuring and importing SCORM content to Modules so they can be added to Courses

4 articles

Website Design: Pages & Menus

Building pages, customizing menus and branding, and more

6 articles

Viewing & Exporting Reports

Visualizing and collecting course/student-based LMS as well as eCommerce reports

6 articles

User Communication: Automated Emails & Creating Announcements

Managing automated LMS emails and creating Announcements to communicate with Users

8 articles

Platform Integrations & APIs

Manage integrations, or set up REST APIs to build your own integrations/extensions

20 articles

Developers & APIs

API and Webhooks integration for external system.

1 article

Student Experience: Taking Courses and Navigating the Student Dashboard

Understanding the platform as a Student user

4 articles


Using Portal in AOM

5 articles