Accredible Groups Lookup
Retrieves all the accredible groups. Helps while showing group names in dropdown elements.
Response samples
- 200
{- "isEnabled": true,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 353767,
- "name": "group_aom_course"
}, - {
- "id": 353282,
- "name": "intro-ce"
}, - {
- "id": 352594,
- "name": "aom"
An Assignment Module is a lesson module used as course content. Helps to perform CRUD operation to and for Assignments modules.
Assignment Modules Tabular List
Returns all the assignment modules in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via associatedCourse(modules used in course) and moduleName.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"associatedCourse":"","moduleName":""} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 2,
- "recordsFiltered": 2,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 4,
- "name": "assign",
- "slug": "assign",
- "type": "assignment",
- "submissionType": "file",
- "totalPoints": 50,
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-edit-outline\"></i>",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 06:43 AM"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "name": "assignment 1",
- "slug": "assignment-1",
- "type": "assignment",
- "submissionType": "text",
- "totalPoints": 100,
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-edit-outline\"></i>",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 09, 2020 07:25 AM"
Create Assignment Module
To create a assignment module, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Created assignment modules can be used in the course as course content/lesson.
Returns : id of the assignment created and successfull message
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the assignment module. |
content required | string Content for the assignment modules that students will see. |
submission_type required | string Type for the assignment module(file based or text based). Submission type options: text or file. |
totalPoints | integer Student will get this number if they complete the assignment. |
allowed_filetypes | string Allowed file types that will be submitted by the students when the submission_type is file(required). |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Essay on LMS",
- "content": "A brief description",
- "submission_type": "file",
- "totalPoints": 25,
- "allowed_filetypes": "[\"image\", \"pdf\"]"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 10,
- "message": "Module saved successfully"
Update Assignment Module
Updates the details of specified assignment module. (See parameters) Assignment modules can be used in the course as course content.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the assignment module. |
content required | string Content for the assignment modules that students will see. |
submission_type required | string Type for the assignment module(file based or text based). Submission type options: text or file. |
totalPoints | integer Student will get this number if they complete the assignment. |
allowed_filetypes | string Allowed file types that will be submitted by the students when the submission_type is file(required). |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Essay on LMS",
- "content": "An Updated brief description",
- "submission_type": "file",
- "totalPoints": 25,
- "allowed_filetypes": "[\"image\", \"pdf\"]"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Module updated successfully"
Retrieve Assignment Modules
Retrieves the details of the specified assignment module. Helps in fetching assignment module using its ID. (See Parameters)
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "assignment 1",
- "slug": "assignment-1",
- "content": "Hola",
- "totalPoints": 100,
- "submission_type": "text",
- "allowed_filetypes": [
- ""
Retrieve Detailed Assignment Module Info
Retrieves details of assignment module in depth as well as different modules details that are being used as course content for the same course the current assignment module is attached to. Returns related fields value. (See Response)
query Parameters
registrationId required | string Example: registrationId=1 ID of the course Registration for which this module is attached to. |
moduleId required | string Example: moduleId=9 ID of the assignment module. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "Essay on LMS",
- "slug": "essay-on-lms",
- "content": "A brief description",
- "courseName": "course 1",
- "totalPoints": 25,
- "submissionType": "text",
- "maxUploadSize": 5,
- "min_time_spent": 0,
- "allowedFileTypes": ".",
- "otherModules": [
- {
- "module_id": 1,
- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "type": "text",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-tickets\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": 1,
- "status": "Completed",
- "started_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:33.000000Z",
- "completed_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:41.000000Z",
- "last_accessed_on": "8 hours ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 6,
- "totalSeconds": 6
}, - "completion_percentage": 100,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 3
}, - {
- "module_id": 4,
- "name": "assign",
- "slug": "assign",
- "type": "assignment",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-edit-outline\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": true,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
}, - {
- "module_id": 7,
- "name": "First-quiz",
- "slug": "first-quiz",
- "type": "quiz",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-discover\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
}, - {
- "module_id": 9,
- "name": "My-video-lesson",
- "slug": "my-video-lesson",
- "type": "video",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-video-play\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": 4,
- "status": "In Progress",
- "started_on": "2020-08-10T20:04:14.000000Z",
- "completed_on": null,
- "last_accessed_on": "6 hours ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 0,
- "totalSeconds": null
}, - "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 1
}, - {
- "module_id": 10,
- "name": "Essay on LMS",
- "slug": "essay-on-lms",
- "type": "assignment",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-edit-outline\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": 5,
- "status": "Completed",
- "started_on": "2020-08-11T02:47:32.000000Z",
- "completed_on": "2020-08-11T02:47:32.000000Z",
- "last_accessed_on": "46 seconds ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 0,
- "totalSeconds": null
}, - "completion_percentage": 100,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 1
], - "launchCheck": {
- "canbeLaunched": true,
- "errTitle": "",
- "errDesc": ""
}, - "prevSlug": "my-video-lesson",
- "nextSlug": "",
- "status": "Completed",
- "statusRowId": 5,
- "timeSpent": null,
- "prevSubmission": [ ]
Retrieve Assignment Submissions
Retrieves the submissions of the assigment the student have given. Helps in grading a student. (See Response)
query Parameters
statusRowId required | string Example: statusRowId=7 ID of the Module status of the current assignment. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "courseId": 1,
- "courseName": "course 1",
- "assignmentName": "assign",
- "status": "Submitted",
- "content": "Desc",
- "totalPoints": 50,
- "submissions": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "student_message": null,
- "instructor_message": null,
- "points_awarded": null,
- "evaluated_by": "",
- "submitted_on": "Aug 10, 2020",
- "evaluated_on": ""
Submit Assignment
Submits the assignment after attempting all the aspects of the assignment. Updates the status of assignment to submitted if student is finished the assignment and submits. (See Parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
statusRowId | required ID of the Module status of the current assignment. |
submission | required Submission data(file or text). |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "statusRowId": "7",
- "submission": "This is text based assignment submission"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Assignment submitted successfully"
Upload Assignment File
Helps in upload the assignment file by students. You can use File form to upload a file to the system. (See Parameters) Returns the S3 bucket URL link for the uploaded file.
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
file | required File to be uploaded for current assignment. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "file": "binary"
Response samples
- 200
Evaluate Assignment
Evaluates the assignment from Instructor side.Updates the status of assignment to completed if Instructor thinks student's submission is upto the marks. (See Parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
statusRowId | required ID of the Module status of the current assignment. |
evaluation | required Evaluation data by the Instructor(Completed or not). |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "statusRowId": "7",
- "evaluation": "{instructorMessage : 'Assignment looks good', pointsAwarded: '50', isAccepted : true }"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Assignment evaluated successfully"
Tabular List
Retrieves all the audit log activities in a tabular list format with pagination mode. You can apply filter using search_param via user_id, activityName or dates
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=10 The number of the user you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at","direction":"desc"} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"performed_by":"Aom Staff"} For searching items based on performed_by, user and dates. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "performed_by": "Aom Staff",
- "effect_on": "User",
- "subject": "User",
- "action": "Created",
- "created_at": "Aug 06, 2020 07:20 AM",
- "details": [ ]
], - "performedOnList": [ ]
Audit Activity Lookup
Retrieves all the activity for the user. Helps showing options in dropdowns elements
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "login",
- "display_value": "LOGIN"
}, - {
- "db_value": "created",
- "display_value": "CREATED"
}, - {
- "db_value": "updated",
- "display_value": "UPDATED"
}, - {
- "db_value": "deleted",
- "display_value": "DELETED"
Retrieve Badge details
Retrieves the details of badges. (See Parameters)
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at","direction":"desc"} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"title":""} For searching items based on title. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "title": "1",
- "badgeIconUrl": "/images/badges/Badge_1.png",
- "points": 1
Create Badge
Create a new badge.
query Parameters
title required | string Example: title=Gold string The title of the badge. |
points | integer Example: points=100 The points associated with the badge. |
badgeIconUrl required | string Example: badgeIconUrl= string The URL to the badge icon image. |
defaultIconUrl | string Example: defaultIconUrl= nullable The URL to the default icon image for the badge. |
organizationId | string Example: organizationId=AOM1234 nullable string The identifier of the organization to which the badge belongs. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 3,
- "message": "Badge created successfully"
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "value": "Badge 1",
- "url": "/images/badges/Badge_1.png"
}, - {
- "value": "Badge 2",
- "url": "/images/badges/Badge_2.png"
}, - {
- "value": "Badge 3",
- "url": "/images/badges/Badge_3.png"
}, - {
- "value": "Badge 4",
- "url": "/images/badges/Badge_4.png"
Update Badge
Update the existing badge.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the badge needs to be retrieved. |
query Parameters
title required | string Example: title=Gold string The title of the badge. |
points | integer Example: points=100 The points associated with the badge. |
badgeIconUrl required | string Example: badgeIconUrl= string The URL to the badge icon image. |
defaultIconUrl | string Example: defaultIconUrl= nullable The URL to the default icon image for the badge. |
organizationId | string Example: organizationId=AOM1234 nullable string The identifier of the organization to which the badge belongs. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 3,
- "message": "Badge updated successfully"
Delete badge
Delete a badge by ID.
path Parameters
id required | string Examples:
Optional parameter. array required The ID of the badge to be deleted. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "1 badge(s) deleted. 0 badge(s) not deleted as they are assigned to users. 0 badge(s) not deleted as they are used in gamification events."
Categories represents Course category, Product category, Question category. Helps performimg operations in all these models.
Product Category Lookup
Retrieves all the categories of the product user has ever created. This request helps in showing all product categories in form elements like dropdown, etc. Returns ID and name of the product category.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 4,
- "name": "Question-cat"
Course Category Lookup
Retrieves all the categories of the courses user has ever created. This request helps in showing all course categories in form elements like dropdown, etc. Returns ID and name of the course category.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Category-1"
Module category Lookup
Retrieves all the categories of the module user has ever created. This request helps in showing all module categories in form elements like dropdown, etc. Returns ID and name of the module category.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Category-1"
Question Category Lookup
Retrieves all the categories of the question user has ever created. This request helps in showing all question categories in form elements like dropdown, etc. Returns ID and name of the question category.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 4,
- "name": "Question-cat"
User Category Lookup
Retrieves all the categories of the user user has ever created. This request helps in showing all user categories in form elements like dropdown, etc. Returns ID and name of the user category.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 4,
- "name": "User-cat"
Learning Path Category Lookup
Retrieves all the categories of the learning paths ever created. This request helps in showing all learning path categories in form elements like dropdown, etc. Returns ID and name of the learning path category.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 4,
- "name": "Learning Path-1"
Course Category Tabular List
Returns all the course categories in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via categoryName.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=9 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"categoryName":""} For searching items based on category name. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 4,
- "recordsFiltered": 3,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 3,
- "name": "superman_postman",
- "author": "Client Admin",
- "count": 0,
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 12:43 PM"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "name": "category-new",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "count": 0,
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 12:37 PM"
}, - {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Category-1",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "count": 1,
- "created_at": "Aug 09, 2020 06:20 PM"
Module Category Tabular List
Returns all the module categories in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via categoryName.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=9 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"categoryName":""} For searching items based on category name. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 2,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 2,
- "name": "module memberships",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "count": 1,
- "created_at": "May 10, 2022 03:39 AM"
Product Category Tabular List
Returns all the product categories in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via categoryName.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=9 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"categoryName":""} For searching items based on category name. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 4,
- "recordsFiltered": 3,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 3,
- "name": "superman_postman",
- "author": "Client Admin",
- "count": 0,
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 12:43 PM"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "name": "category-new",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "count": 0,
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 12:37 PM"
}, - {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Category-1",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "count": 1,
- "created_at": "Aug 09, 2020 06:20 PM"
Question Category Tabular List
Returns all the question categories in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via categoryName.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=9 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"categoryName":""} For searching items based on category name. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 4,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 4,
- "name": "Question-cat",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "count": 0,
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 01:58 PM"
Create Category
To create a category, you need to use this request. Provide category name and it will be created. (See parameters) Helps in grouping multiple courses, question and products.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
category_name required | string Name of the course category. |
categoryType required | string Type for the category that is being created. Type options: course, question, product and module. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "category_name": "category-new",
- "categoryType": "course"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Category Created Successfully"
Update Category
Updates a category using parameters mentioned. (See parameters) Updates the course/question/product category details using category name and category ID.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 3 ID of the category. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
category_name required | string Name of the category. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "category_name": "category-new-updated"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Category Updated Successfully"
Retrieve Category
Retrieves category details for specified category ID.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 3 ID of the category. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 3,
- "name": "superman_postman",
- "type": "course",
- "created_by": 2,
- "updated_by": null,
- "deleted_by": null,
- "created_at": "2020-08-10 12:43:12",
- "updated_at": "2020-08-10 12:56:37",
- "deleted_at": null
Delete Category
To delete a category, you need to use this request. Returns number of category deleted(if multiple selected)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
delete_ids required | Array of strings All category IDs which needs to be deleted. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "delete_ids": [
- 1
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "1 category(s) deleted "
Learning Path Category Tabular List
Returns all the learning path categories in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via categoryName.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=9 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"categoryName":""} For searching items based on category name. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 4,
- "recordsFiltered": 3,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 3,
- "name": "superman_postman",
- "author": "Client Admin",
- "count": 0,
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 12:43 PM"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "name": "category-new",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "count": 0,
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 12:37 PM"
}, - {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Category-1",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "count": 1,
- "created_at": "Aug 09, 2020 06:20 PM"
A Certificate template is used to provide to students. Students can achieve this award by completing the course. Helps in performing CRUD operations for and to certificates
Certificate Template Tabular List
Returns all the certificate templates in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via templateName(certificate template name) and courseId(course Id).
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=tempora Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"templateName":"","courseId":""} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "cert 1",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "courses": "course 1, Awesome Course, course 1_copy",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 09:58 AM"
Quick Edit
Updates the details in bulk for specified certificate templates. Parameters is provided which needs to be updated. (See Parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
template_ids required | Array of strings All certificate template IDs which needs to be updated. |
author_id | integer Update the instructor/Author for the selected certificate templates. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "template_ids": [
- 3,
- 1
], - "author_id": 1
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Certificate Templates updated Successfully"
Certificate Template Fields Lookup
Retrieves all the fields name user can add in the certificate templates. Fields like student name, instructor name, course name, etc. Helps showing options in dropdowns elements while creating certificate template.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "student_first_name",
- "display_value": "Student First Name"
}, - {
- "db_value": "student_last_name",
- "display_value": "Student Last Name"
}, - {
- "db_value": "student_full_name",
- "display_value": "Student Full Name"
}, - {
- "db_value": "course_name",
- "display_value": "Course Name"
}, - {
- "db_value": "issue_date",
- "display_value": "Date of Issue"
}, - {
- "db_value": "expiry_date",
- "display_value": "Date of Expiry"
}, - {
- "db_value": "instructor_name",
- "display_value": "Instructor Name"
}, - {
- "db_value": "certificate_code",
- "display_value": "Certificate Code"
}, - {
- "db_value": "course_credit",
- "display_value": "Course Credit"
}, - {
- "db_value": "custom_text",
- "display_value": "Custom Text"
Certificate Template Fonts Lookup
Retrieves all the fonts user can add in the certificate templates. Fonts like Arial, Times-Roman, Helvetica, etc. Helps showing options in dropdowns elements while creating certificate template.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "Arial",
- "display_value": "Arial",
- "is_selected": "true"
}, - {
- "db_value": "Courier",
- "display_value": "Courier"
}, - {
- "db_value": "Times-Roman",
- "display_value": "Times-Roman"
}, - {
- "db_value": "Helvetica",
- "display_value": "Helvetica"
}, - {
- "db_value": "Times-Bold",
- "display_value": "Times-Bold"
}, - {
- "db_value": "Courier-Bold",
- "display_value": "Courier-Bold"
}, - {
- "db_value": "DejaVuSans-Bold",
- "display_value": "DejaVuSans-Bold"
}, - {
- "db_value": "DejaVuSansMono-Bold",
- "display_value": "DejaVuSansMono-Bold"
Create Certificate Template
To create a certificate template, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Created certificate template can be used to assign students when they completed the course.
Returns : id of the certificate template created and successfull message
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the certificate template. |
bg_url | string Background for the certificate template. |
height required | integer Height size for the certificate template. |
width required | integer Width size for the certificate template. |
fields | Array of strings All the certificate fields user have added to appear in certificate template(student name, instructor name, course name, etc). |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Completion-Certificate",
- "height": 680,
- "width": 1075,
- "fields": [
- {
- "key": "course_name",
- "value": "Course Name",
- "font_size": "20",
- "align_center": false,
- "font_family": "Arial",
- "font_color": "#222",
- "top": 432,
- "left": 469,
- "width": 200,
- "height": 40,
- "show_tools": false
}, - {
- "key": "student_first_name",
- "value": "Student First Name",
- "font_size": "20",
- "align_center": false,
- "font_family": "Arial",
- "font_color": "#222",
- "top": 332,
- "left": 452,
- "width": 200,
- "height": 40,
- "show_tools": false
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 2,
- "message": "Certificate Template created successfully"
Retrieve Certificate Template
Retrieves the details of the specified certificate template. Helps in fetching certificate template using its ID. (See Parameters)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the certificate template you want to fetch the details of. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "cert 1",
- "height": 827,
- "width": 1070,
- "fields": [
- {
- "key": "student_full_name",
- "value": "Student Full Name",
- "font_size": 20,
- "font_family": "Arial",
- "font_color": "#222",
- "top": 401,
- "left": 443,
- "align_center": false,
- "width": 200,
- "height": 60
Update Certificate Template
Updates the details of a specified certificate template. (See parameters) Certificate template can be used to assign students when they completed the course.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the certificate template you want to fetch the details of. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the certificate template. |
bg_url | string Background for the certificate template. |
height required | integer Height size for the certificate template. |
width required | integer Width size for the certificate template. |
fields | Array of strings All the certificate fields user have added to appear in certificate template(student name, instructor name, course name, etc). |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Updated-Completion-Certificate",
- "height": 780,
- "width": 1075,
- "fields": [
- {
- "key": "course_name",
- "value": "Course Name",
- "font_size": "20",
- "align_center": false,
- "font_family": "Arial",
- "font_color": "#222",
- "top": 432,
- "left": 469,
- "width": 200,
- "height": 40,
- "show_tools": false
}, - {
- "key": "student_first_name",
- "value": "Student First Name",
- "font_size": "20",
- "align_center": false,
- "font_family": "Arial",
- "font_color": "#222",
- "top": 332,
- "left": 452,
- "width": 200,
- "height": 40,
- "show_tools": false
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 2,
- "message": "Certificate Template created successfully"
Delete Certificate Template
To delete a certificate template, you need to use this request. Returns number of certificate template deleted(if multiple selected) and also not deleted. (See Response)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
delete_ids required | Array of strings All certificate template IDs which needs to be deleted. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "delete_ids": [
- 1,
- 12,
- 15
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "2 template(s) deleted 1 template(s) not deleted as it is used in course. Please remove the template(s) from the course and try again."
A Coupon is used by the students to reduce ther price by some discount, provided by the Instructor. It helps for adding/updating/editing discount coupons applied on products.
Coupons Tabular List
Returns all the coupons in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via code(coupon code).
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"code":""} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "code": "code75",
- "type": "percent_amount",
- "value": 1500,
- "total_limit": 12,
- "expired_at": "Aug 26, 2020"
Coupon Lookup
Retrieves all the coupons. Helps while showing coupons in form elements like dropdown. You can apply filters using search_term(coupons) parameter. (See Parameter)
query Parameters
search_term required | string Example: search_term=aut You need to provide coupons or substring of the coupons to search. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 1,
- "code": "code75"
Coupon Types Lookup
Retrieves all types of the coupons. Helps showing options in form elements like dropdowns.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "fixed_amount",
- "display_value": "Fixed cart discount"
}, - {
- "db_value": "percent_amount",
- "display_value": "Percentage Discount"
Create Coupon
To create a coupon, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Created coupons can be used by the students to get some discount while purchasing the course.
Returns : id of the coupon created and successfull message
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
code required | string Code for the coupon. |
notes | string Notes for the coupon. |
value required | numeric Value of the coupon(discount price or percentage). |
type required | string Types of the coupon. Type options: fixed_amount or percent_amount. |
usage_limit | integer How many times this coupon can be used?. |
expiry | date On this date, this coupon will get expired. |
allowed_emails | string All allowed email comma seprated. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "code": "code75",
- "notes": "Discount upto 75%",
- "value": "1500",
- "type": "percent_amount",
- "usage_limit": 1200,
- "expiry": "2020-08-26",
- "allowed_emails": "null"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 1,
- "message": "Coupon created successfully"
Retrieve Coupon
Retrieves the details of the specified coupon. Helps in fetching coupon using its ID. (See Parameters)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the coupon you want to fetch the details of. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "code": "code75",
- "type": "percent_amount",
- "value": 1500,
- "usage_limit": 12,
- "expiry": "2020-08-26",
- "allowed_emails": null,
- "note_privacy": null,
- "notes": "Discount upto 75%",
- "allowed_products": [ ],
- "excluded_products": [ ],
- "allowed_product_categories": [ ]
Update Coupon
Updates the details of a specified coupon. (See parameters) Coupons can be used by the students to get some discount while purchasing the course.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the coupon you want to fetch the details of. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
code required | string code for the coupon. |
notes | string Notes for the coupon. |
value required | numeric Value of the coupon(discount price or percentage). |
type required | string Types of the coupon. Type options: fixed_amount or percent_amount. |
usage_limit | integer How many times this coupon can be used?. |
expiry | date On this date, this coupon will get expired. |
allowed_emails | string All allowed email comma seprated. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "code": "code75",
- "notes": "Discount upto 75%",
- "value": "1500",
- "type": "percent_amount",
- "usage_limit": 2000,
- "expiry": "2020-08-26",
- "allowed_emails": "null"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Coupon updated successfully"
Delete Coupon
To delete a coupon, you need to use this request. Returns number of coupons deleted(if multiple selected) and also not deleted. (See Response)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
delete_ids required | Array of strings All coupon IDs which needs to be deleted. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "delete_ids": [
- 1,
- 12,
- 15
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "2 coupon(s) deleted 1 coupon(s) not deleted as they are associated with orders"
A Discussion module is used as course content and a platform where students can have discussions. Helps to perform CRUD operation to and for discussion modules.
Discussion modules Tabular List
Returns all the discussion modules in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via associatedCourse(modules used in course) and moduleName.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=tenetur Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"associatedCourse":"","moduleName":""} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 13,
- "name": "First-discussion",
- "slug": "first-discussion",
- "type": "discussion",
- "totalPoints": 20,
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-chat-line-round\"></i>",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 11, 2020 05:25 AM"
Create Discussion Module
To create a discussion module, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Created discussion modules can be used in the course as course content/lesson.
Returns : id of the discussion created and successfull message
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the discussion module. |
content required | string Content for the discussion modules that students will see. |
should_be_evaluated required | boolean If true, the discussion will be graded on course evaluation. |
totalPoints | integer Total points a student can get by completing this discussion. |
minComments | integer At least these many comments should be provided by the student to pass the discussion(required if should_be_evaluated is true). |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "First-discussion",
- "content": "A brief description",
- "should_be_evaluated": true,
- "totalPoints": 20,
- "minComments": 3
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 13,
- "message": "Module saved successfully"
Update Discussion Module
Update the details of specified discussion module. (See Response) Discussion modules can be used in the course as course content/lesson.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the discussion module. |
content required | string Content for the discussion modules that students will see. |
should_be_evaluated required | boolean If true, the discussion will be graded on course evaluation. |
totalPoints | integer Total points a student can get by completing this discussion. |
minComments | integer At least these many comments should be provided by the student to pass the discussion(required if should_be_evaluated is true). |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "First-discussion",
- "content": "An updatedbrief description",
- "should_be_evaluated": true,
- "totalPoints": 20,
- "minComments": 5
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Module updated successfully"
Retrieve Discussion modules
Retrieves the details of the specified discussion module. Helps in fetching discussion module using its ID. (See Parameters)
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "First-discussion",
- "slug": "first-discussion",
- "content": "A Brief Description",
- "totalPoints": 20,
- "should_be_evaluated": true,
- "minComments": 3
Retrieve Detailed Discussion Module Info
Retrieves details of discussion module in depth as well as different modules details that are being used as course content for the same course the current discussion module is attached to. Returns related fields value. (See Response)
query Parameters
registrationId required | string Example: registrationId=1 ID of the course Registration for which this module is attached to. |
moduleId required | string Example: moduleId=13 ID of the discussion module. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "First-discussion",
- "slug": "first-discussion",
- "content": "A Brief Description",
- "courseName": "course 1",
- "url": null,
- "totalPoints": 20,
- "shouldBeEvaluated": true,
- "min_time_spent": 0,
- "otherModules": [
- {
- "module_id": 1,
- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "type": "text",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-tickets\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": 1,
- "status": "Completed",
- "started_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:33.000000Z",
- "completed_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:41.000000Z",
- "last_accessed_on": "11 hours ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 6,
- "totalSeconds": 6
}, - "completion_percentage": 100,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 3
}, - {
- "module_id": 4,
- "name": "assign",
- "slug": "assign",
- "type": "assignment",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-edit-outline\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": true,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
}, - {
- "module_id": 7,
- "name": "First-quiz",
- "slug": "first-quiz",
- "type": "quiz",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-discover\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
}, - {
- "module_id": 9,
- "name": "My-video-lesson",
- "slug": "my-video-lesson",
- "type": "video",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-video-play\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": 4,
- "status": "In Progress",
- "started_on": "2020-08-10T20:04:14.000000Z",
- "completed_on": null,
- "last_accessed_on": "9 hours ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 0,
- "totalSeconds": null
}, - "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 1
}, - {
- "module_id": 10,
- "name": "Essay on LMS",
- "slug": "essay-on-lms",
- "type": "assignment",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-edit-outline\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": 5,
- "status": "Completed",
- "started_on": "2020-08-11T02:47:32.000000Z",
- "completed_on": "2020-08-11T02:47:32.000000Z",
- "last_accessed_on": "2 hours ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 0,
- "totalSeconds": null
}, - "completion_percentage": 100,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 2
}, - {
- "module_id": 12,
- "name": "New-Webinar",
- "slug": "new-webinar",
- "type": "webinar",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-date\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
}, - {
- "module_id": 13,
- "name": "First-discussion",
- "slug": "first-discussion",
- "type": "discussion",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-chat-line-round\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
], - "launchCheck": {
- "canbeLaunched": true,
- "errTitle": "",
- "errDesc": ""
}, - "prevSlug": "new-webinar",
- "nextSlug": "",
- "currentUserId": 3,
- "currentStudentAvatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><circle cx=\"20\" cy=\"20\" r=\"20\" stroke=\"background\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#4CAF50\" /><text x=\"20\" y=\"20\" font-size=\"14\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">DS</text></svg>",
- "currentUserName": "Demo Student",
- "status": "In Progress",
- "statusRowId": 6,
- "timeSpent": null
Retrieve Comments
Retrieves the comments posted by students in the disussion. Helps in showing all the comments student have posted in the specified discussion in one place. (See Response) You can apply filters using search_param via nameOrEmail(student email or name) and registrationId(student course registration id)
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=expedita Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"nameOrEmail":"","registrationId":""} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "comment": "My first comment",
- "userAvatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><circle cx=\"20\" cy=\"20\" r=\"20\" stroke=\"background\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#00BCD4\" /><text x=\"20\" y=\"20\" font-size=\"14\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">AS</text></svg>",
- "userFullName": "Aom Staff",
- "date": "Aug 11, 2020 05:56 AM",
- "replies": [ ]
Post Comment
Posts a comment in a discussion. Updates the status of discussion to submitted if student has posted minimum numner of posts for the discussion per user.. (See Parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
statusRowId required | integer ID of the ModuleStatus Row belongs to current discussion module. |
currentUserId required | integer ID of the user who commented. |
comment required | string Comment posted by the user for current discussion. |
parentId | integer Parent ID of the discussion. Example: |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "statusRowId": 4,
- "currentUserId": 1,
- "comment": "My first comment",
- "parentId": 4
Response samples
- 200
{- "status": "In Progress",
- "message": "Comment Posted"
Retrieve Discussion Submission Details
Retrieves the submission details of the duscussion the student have taken participation. Helps to get discussion and its submission in one place. (See Response)
query Parameters
statusRowId required | string Example: statusRowId=7 ID of the Module status of the current discussion submission. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "courseId": 1,
- "courseName": "course 1",
- "discussionName": "First-discussion",
- "status": "In Progress",
- "content": "A Brief Description",
- "totalPoints": 20,
- "userAvatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><circle cx=\"20\" cy=\"20\" r=\"20\" stroke=\"background\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#00BCD4\" /><text x=\"20\" y=\"20\" font-size=\"14\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">AS</text></svg>",
- "userFullName": "Aom Staff",
- "comments": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "comment": "My first comment",
- "date": "Aug 11, 2020 05:56 AM"
], - "replies": [ ]
Evaluate Discussion
Evaluates the discussion from Instructor side. Updates the status of discussion to completed if Instructor thinks student's submission is upto the marks. (See Parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
statusRowId | required ID of the Module status of the current discussion. |
evaluation | required Evaluation data by the Instructor(Completed or not). |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "statusRowId": "7",
- "evaluation": "{instructorMessage : 'You comments look good', pointsAwarded: '50' }"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Discussion evaluated successfully"
Endpoints for managing ecommerce settings. Getting and setting items status and values for the platform and the products.
Retrieve Ecommerce Global Product Settings
Retrieves the details of Ecommerce Global Product Settings. (See parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
freeProductCta | string The call to action name for free product. |
simpleProductCta | string The call to action name for simple product. |
subscriptionProductCta | string The call to action name for subscription product. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "freeProductCta": "Enroll Now",
- "simpleProductCta": "Add to Cart",
- "subscriptionProductCta": "Subscribe"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Settings Updated"
Updates General Ecommerce Global Product Settings
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
freeProductCta | string The call to action name for free product. |
simpleProductCta | string The call to action name for simple product. |
subscriptionProductCta | string The call to action name for subscription product. |
productPriceColor[content][linkUrl] | string The URL associated with the product price link. |
productPriceColor[content][linkOpen] | string The target attribute for the product price link. |
productPriceColor[content][backgroundColor] | string The background color for the product price. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "freeProductCta": "Enroll Now",
- "simpleProductCta": "Add to Cart",
- "subscriptionProductCta": "Subscribe",
- "productPriceColor[content][linkUrl]": "\"\"",
- "productPriceColor[content][linkOpen]": "\"_blank\"",
- "productPriceColor[content][backgroundColor]": "\"#469F13\""
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Settings Updated"
Country Lookup
Retrieves all the countries in list format. Helps while showing countries in form elements like dropdown.
Response samples
- 200
{- "AF": "Afghanistan",
- "AL": "Albania",
- "DZ": "Algeria",
- "AS": "American Samoa",
- "AD": "Andorra",
- "AO": "Angola",
- "AI": "Anguilla",
- "AQ": "Antarctica",
- "AG": "Antigua and Barbuda",
- "AR": "Argentina",
- "AM": "Armenia",
- "AW": "Aruba",
- "AU": "Australia",
- "AT": "Austria",
- "AZ": "Azerbaijan",
- "BS": "Bahamas",
- "BH": "Bahrain",
- "BD": "Bangladesh",
- "BB": "Barbados",
- "BY": "Belarus",
- "BE": "Belgium",
- "PW": "Belau",
- "BZ": "Belize",
- "BJ": "Benin",
- "BM": "Bermuda",
- "BT": "Bhutan",
- "BO": "Bolivia",
- "BQ": "Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba",
- "BA": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
- "BW": "Botswana",
- "BV": "Bouvet Island",
- "BR": "Brazil",
- "IO": "British Indian Ocean Territory",
- "BN": "Brunei",
- "BG": "Bulgaria",
- "BF": "Burkina Faso",
- "BI": "Burundi",
- "KH": "Cambodia",
- "CM": "Cameroon",
- "CA": "Canada",
- "CV": "Cape Verde",
- "KY": "Cayman Islands",
- "CF": "Central African Republic",
- "TD": "Chad",
- "CL": "Chile",
- "CN": "China",
- "CX": "Christmas Island",
- "CC": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
- "CO": "Colombia",
- "KM": "Comoros",
- "CG": "Congo (Brazzaville)",
- "CD": "Congo (Kinshasa)",
- "CK": "Cook Islands",
- "CR": "Costa Rica",
- "HR": "Croatia",
- "CU": "Cuba",
- "CW": "Curaçao",
- "CY": "Cyprus",
- "CZ": "Czech Republic",
- "DK": "Denmark",
- "DJ": "Djibouti",
- "DM": "Dominica",
- "DO": "Dominican Republic",
- "EC": "Ecuador",
- "EG": "Egypt",
- "SV": "El Salvador",
- "GQ": "Equatorial Guinea",
- "ER": "Eritrea",
- "EE": "Estonia",
- "ET": "Ethiopia",
- "FK": "Falkland Islands",
- "FO": "Faroe Islands",
- "FJ": "Fiji",
- "FI": "Finland",
- "FR": "France",
- "GF": "French Guiana",
- "PF": "French Polynesia",
- "TF": "French Southern Territories",
- "GA": "Gabon",
- "GM": "Gambia",
- "GE": "Georgia",
- "DE": "Germany",
- "GH": "Ghana",
- "GI": "Gibraltar",
- "GR": "Greece",
- "GL": "Greenland",
- "GD": "Grenada",
- "GP": "Guadeloupe",
- "GU": "Guam",
- "GT": "Guatemala",
- "GG": "Guernsey",
- "GN": "Guinea",
- "GW": "Guinea-Bissau",
- "GY": "Guyana",
- "HT": "Haiti",
- "HM": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands",
- "HN": "Honduras",
- "HK": "Hong Kong",
- "HU": "Hungary",
- "IS": "Iceland",
- "IN": "India",
- "ID": "Indonesia",
- "IR": "Iran",
- "IQ": "Iraq",
- "IE": "Ireland",
- "IM": "Isle of Man",
- "IL": "Israel",
- "IT": "Italy",
- "CI": "Ivory Coast",
- "JM": "Jamaica",
- "JP": "Japan",
- "JE": "Jersey",
- "JO": "Jordan",
- "KZ": "Kazakhstan",
- "KE": "Kenya",
- "KI": "Kiribati",
- "KW": "Kuwait",
- "KG": "Kyrgyzstan",
- "LA": "Laos",
- "LV": "Latvia",
- "LB": "Lebanon",
- "LS": "Lesotho",
- "LR": "Liberia",
- "LY": "Libya",
- "LI": "Liechtenstein",
- "LT": "Lithuania",
- "LU": "Luxembourg",
- "MO": "Macao",
- "MK": "North Macedonia",
- "MG": "Madagascar",
- "MW": "Malawi",
- "MY": "Malaysia",
- "MV": "Maldives",
- "ML": "Mali",
- "MT": "Malta",
- "MH": "Marshall Islands",
- "MQ": "Martinique",
- "MR": "Mauritania",
- "MU": "Mauritius",
- "YT": "Mayotte",
- "MX": "Mexico",
- "FM": "Micronesia",
- "MD": "Moldova",
- "MC": "Monaco",
- "MN": "Mongolia",
- "ME": "Montenegro",
- "MS": "Montserrat",
- "MA": "Morocco",
- "MZ": "Mozambique",
- "MM": "Myanmar",
- "NA": "Namibia",
- "NR": "Nauru",
- "NP": "Nepal",
- "NL": "Netherlands",
- "NC": "New Caledonia",
- "NZ": "New Zealand",
- "NI": "Nicaragua",
- "NE": "Niger",
- "NG": "Nigeria",
- "NU": "Niue",
- "NF": "Norfolk Island",
- "MP": "Northern Mariana Islands",
- "KP": "North Korea",
- "NO": "Norway",
- "OM": "Oman",
- "PK": "Pakistan",
- "PS": "Palestinian Territory",
- "PA": "Panama",
- "PG": "Papua New Guinea",
- "PY": "Paraguay",
- "PE": "Peru",
- "PH": "Philippines",
- "PN": "Pitcairn",
- "PL": "Poland",
- "PT": "Portugal",
- "PR": "Puerto Rico",
- "QA": "Qatar",
- "RE": "Reunion",
- "RO": "Romania",
- "RU": "Russia",
- "RW": "Rwanda",
- "BL": "Saint Barthélemy",
- "SH": "Saint Helena",
- "KN": "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
- "LC": "Saint Lucia",
- "MF": "Saint Martin (French part)",
- "SX": "Saint Martin (Dutch part)",
- "PM": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
- "VC": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
- "SM": "San Marino",
- "ST": "São Tomé and Príncipe",
- "SA": "Saudi Arabia",
- "SN": "Senegal",
- "RS": "Serbia",
- "SC": "Seychelles",
- "SL": "Sierra Leone",
- "SG": "Singapore",
- "SK": "Slovakia",
- "SI": "Slovenia",
- "SB": "Solomon Islands",
- "SO": "Somalia",
- "ZA": "South Africa",
- "GS": "South Georgia/Sandwich Islands",
- "KR": "South Korea",
- "SS": "South Sudan",
- "ES": "Spain",
- "LK": "Sri Lanka",
- "SD": "Sudan",
- "SR": "Suriname",
- "SJ": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
- "SZ": "Swaziland",
- "SE": "Sweden",
- "CH": "Switzerland",
- "SY": "Syria",
- "TW": "Taiwan",
- "TJ": "Tajikistan",
- "TZ": "Tanzania",
- "TH": "Thailand",
- "TL": "Timor-Leste",
- "TG": "Togo",
- "TK": "Tokelau",
- "TO": "Tonga",
- "TT": "Trinidad and Tobago",
- "TN": "Tunisia",
- "TR": "Turkey",
- "TM": "Turkmenistan",
- "TC": "Turks and Caicos Islands",
- "TV": "Tuvalu",
- "UG": "Uganda",
- "UA": "Ukraine",
- "AE": "United Arab Emirates",
- "GB": "United Kingdom",
- "US": "United States",
- "UM": "United States (US) Minor Outlying Islands",
- "UY": "Uruguay",
- "UZ": "Uzbekistan",
- "VU": "Vanuatu",
- "VA": "Vatican",
- "VE": "Venezuela",
- "VN": "Vietnam",
- "VG": "Virgin Islands (British)",
- "VI": "Virgin Islands (US)",
- "WF": "Wallis and Futuna",
- "EH": "Western Sahara",
- "WS": "Samoa",
- "YE": "Yemen",
- "ZM": "Zambia",
- "ZW": "Zimbabwe"
States Lookup
Retrieves all the states in list format. Helps while showing states in form elements like dropdown.
query Parameters
countryCode required | string Example: countryCode=IN Country code of which you need state details(like IN, US, etc). |
Response samples
- 200
{- "AP": "Andhra Pradesh",
- "AR": "Arunachal Pradesh",
- "AS": "Assam",
- "BR": "Bihar",
- "CT": "Chhattisgarh",
- "GA": "Goa",
- "GJ": "Gujarat",
- "HR": "Haryana",
- "HP": "Himachal Pradesh",
- "JK": "Jammu and Kashmir",
- "JH": "Jharkhand",
- "KA": "Karnataka",
- "KL": "Kerala",
- "MP": "Madhya Pradesh",
- "MH": "Maharashtra",
- "MN": "Manipur",
- "ML": "Meghalaya",
- "MZ": "Mizoram",
- "NL": "Nagaland",
- "OR": "Orissa",
- "PB": "Punjab",
- "RJ": "Rajasthan",
- "SK": "Sikkim",
- "TN": "Tamil Nadu",
- "TS": "Telangana",
- "TR": "Tripura",
- "UK": "Uttarakhand",
- "UP": "Uttar Pradesh",
- "WB": "West Bengal",
- "AN": "Andaman and Nicobar Islands",
- "CH": "Chandigarh",
- "DN": "Dadra and Nagar Haveli",
- "DD": "Daman and Diu",
- "DL": "Delhi",
- "LD": "Lakshadeep",
- "PY": "Pondicherry (Puducherry)"
Currency Lookup
Retrieves all the currencies in list format. Helps while showing states in form elements like dropdown.
Response samples
- 200
{- "AED": {
- "display_name": "United Arab Emirates dirham",
- "symbol": "د.إ"
}, - "AFN": {
- "display_name": "Afghan afghani",
- "symbol": "؋"
}, - "ALL": {
- "display_name": "Albanian lek",
- "symbol": "L"
}, - "AMD": {
- "display_name": "Armenian dram",
- "symbol": "AMD"
}, - "ANG": {
- "display_name": "Netherlands Antillean guilder",
- "symbol": "ƒ"
}, - "AOA": {
- "display_name": "Angolan kwanza",
- "symbol": "Kz"
}, - "ARS": {
- "display_name": "Argentine peso",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "AUD": {
- "display_name": "Australian dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "AWG": {
- "display_name": "Aruban florin",
- "symbol": "Afl."
}, - "AZN": {
- "display_name": "Azerbaijani manat",
- "symbol": "AZN"
}, - "BAM": {
- "display_name": "Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark",
- "symbol": "KM"
}, - "BBD": {
- "display_name": "Barbadian dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "BDT": {
- "display_name": "Bangladeshi taka",
- "symbol": "৳ "
}, - "BGN": {
- "display_name": "Bulgarian lev",
- "symbol": "лв."
}, - "BHD": {
- "display_name": "Bahraini dinar",
- "symbol": ".د.ب"
}, - "BIF": {
- "display_name": "Burundian franc",
- "symbol": "Fr"
}, - "BMD": {
- "display_name": "Bermudian dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "BND": {
- "display_name": "Brunei dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "BOB": {
- "display_name": "Bolivian boliviano",
- "symbol": "Bs."
}, - "BRL": {
- "display_name": "Brazilian real",
- "symbol": "R$"
}, - "BSD": {
- "display_name": "Bahamian dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "BTC": {
- "display_name": "Bitcoin",
- "symbol": "฿"
}, - "BTN": {
- "display_name": "Bhutanese ngultrum",
- "symbol": "Nu."
}, - "BWP": {
- "display_name": "Botswana pula",
- "symbol": "P"
}, - "BYR": {
- "display_name": "Belarusian ruble (old)",
- "symbol": "Br"
}, - "BYN": {
- "display_name": "Belarusian ruble",
- "symbol": "Br"
}, - "BZD": {
- "display_name": "Belize dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "CAD": {
- "display_name": "Canadian dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "CDF": {
- "display_name": "Congolese franc",
- "symbol": "Fr"
}, - "CHF": {
- "display_name": "Swiss franc",
- "symbol": "CHF"
}, - "CLP": {
- "display_name": "Chilean peso",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "CNY": {
- "display_name": "Chinese yuan",
- "symbol": "¥"
}, - "COP": {
- "display_name": "Colombian peso",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "CRC": {
- "display_name": "Costa Rican colón",
- "symbol": "₡"
}, - "CUC": {
- "display_name": "Cuban convertible peso",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "CUP": {
- "display_name": "Cuban peso",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "CVE": {
- "display_name": "Cape Verdean escudo",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "CZK": {
- "display_name": "Czech koruna",
- "symbol": "Kč"
}, - "DJF": {
- "display_name": "Djiboutian franc",
- "symbol": "Fr"
}, - "DKK": {
- "display_name": "Danish krone",
- "symbol": "DKK"
}, - "DOP": {
- "display_name": "Dominican peso",
- "symbol": "RD$"
}, - "DZD": {
- "display_name": "Algerian dinar",
- "symbol": "د.ج"
}, - "EGP": {
- "display_name": "Egyptian pound",
- "symbol": "EGP"
}, - "ERN": {
- "display_name": "Eritrean nakfa",
- "symbol": "Nfk"
}, - "ETB": {
- "display_name": "Ethiopian birr",
- "symbol": "Br"
}, - "EUR": {
- "display_name": "Euro",
- "symbol": "€"
}, - "FJD": {
- "display_name": "Fijian dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "FKP": {
- "display_name": "Falkland Islands pound",
- "symbol": "£"
}, - "GBP": {
- "display_name": "Pound sterling",
- "symbol": "£"
}, - "GEL": {
- "display_name": "Georgian lari",
- "symbol": "₾"
}, - "GGP": {
- "display_name": "Guernsey pound",
- "symbol": "£"
}, - "GHS": {
- "display_name": "Ghana cedi",
- "symbol": "₵"
}, - "GIP": {
- "display_name": "Gibraltar pound",
- "symbol": "£"
}, - "GMD": {
- "display_name": "Gambian dalasi",
- "symbol": "D"
}, - "GNF": {
- "display_name": "Guinean franc",
- "symbol": "Fr"
}, - "GTQ": {
- "display_name": "Guatemalan quetzal",
- "symbol": "Q"
}, - "GYD": {
- "display_name": "Guyanese dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "HKD": {
- "display_name": "Hong Kong dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "HNL": {
- "display_name": "Honduran lempira",
- "symbol": "L"
}, - "HRK": {
- "display_name": "Croatian kuna",
- "symbol": "kn"
}, - "HTG": {
- "display_name": "Haitian gourde",
- "symbol": "G"
}, - "HUF": {
- "display_name": "Hungarian forint",
- "symbol": "Ft"
}, - "IDR": {
- "display_name": "Indonesian rupiah",
- "symbol": "Rp"
}, - "ILS": {
- "display_name": "Israeli new shekel",
- "symbol": "₪"
}, - "IMP": {
- "display_name": "Manx pound",
- "symbol": "£"
}, - "INR": {
- "display_name": "Indian rupee",
- "symbol": "₹"
}, - "IQD": {
- "display_name": "Iraqi dinar",
- "symbol": "ع.د"
}, - "IRR": {
- "display_name": "Iranian rial",
- "symbol": "﷼"
}, - "IRT": {
- "display_name": "Iranian toman",
- "symbol": "تومان"
}, - "ISK": {
- "display_name": "Icelandic króna",
- "symbol": "kr."
}, - "JEP": {
- "display_name": "Jersey pound",
- "symbol": "£"
}, - "JMD": {
- "display_name": "Jamaican dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "JOD": {
- "display_name": "Jordanian dinar",
- "symbol": "د.ا"
}, - "JPY": {
- "display_name": "Japanese yen",
- "symbol": "¥"
}, - "KES": {
- "display_name": "Kenyan shilling",
- "symbol": "KSh"
}, - "KGS": {
- "display_name": "Kyrgyzstani som",
- "symbol": "сом"
}, - "KHR": {
- "display_name": "Cambodian riel",
- "symbol": "៛"
}, - "KMF": {
- "display_name": "Comorian franc",
- "symbol": "Fr"
}, - "KPW": {
- "display_name": "North Korean won",
- "symbol": "₩"
}, - "KRW": {
- "display_name": "South Korean won",
- "symbol": "₩"
}, - "KWD": {
- "display_name": "Kuwaiti dinar",
- "symbol": "د.ك"
}, - "KYD": {
- "display_name": "Cayman Islands dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "KZT": {
- "display_name": "Kazakhstani tenge",
- "symbol": "KZT"
}, - "LAK": {
- "display_name": "Lao kip",
- "symbol": "₭"
}, - "LBP": {
- "display_name": "Lebanese pound",
- "symbol": "ل.ل"
}, - "LKR": {
- "display_name": "Sri Lankan rupee",
- "symbol": "රු"
}, - "LRD": {
- "display_name": "Liberian dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "LSL": {
- "display_name": "Lesotho loti",
- "symbol": "L"
}, - "LYD": {
- "display_name": "Libyan dinar",
- "symbol": "ل.د"
}, - "MAD": {
- "display_name": "Moroccan dirham",
- "symbol": "د.م."
}, - "MDL": {
- "display_name": "Moldovan leu",
- "symbol": "MDL"
}, - "MGA": {
- "display_name": "Malagasy ariary",
- "symbol": "Ar"
}, - "MKD": {
- "display_name": "Macedonian denar",
- "symbol": "ден"
}, - "MMK": {
- "display_name": "Burmese kyat",
- "symbol": "Ks"
}, - "MNT": {
- "display_name": "Mongolian tögrög",
- "symbol": "₮"
}, - "MOP": {
- "display_name": "Macanese pataca",
- "symbol": "P"
}, - "MRU": {
- "display_name": "Mauritanian ouguiya",
- "symbol": "UM"
}, - "MUR": {
- "display_name": "Mauritian rupee",
- "symbol": "₨"
}, - "MVR": {
- "display_name": "Maldivian rufiyaa",
- "symbol": ".ރ"
}, - "MWK": {
- "display_name": "Malawian kwacha",
- "symbol": "MK"
}, - "MXN": {
- "display_name": "Mexican peso",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "MYR": {
- "display_name": "Malaysian ringgit",
- "symbol": "RM"
}, - "MZN": {
- "display_name": "Mozambican metical",
- "symbol": "MT"
}, - "NAD": {
- "display_name": "Namibian dollar",
- "symbol": "N$"
}, - "NGN": {
- "display_name": "Nigerian naira",
- "symbol": "₦"
}, - "NIO": {
- "display_name": "Nicaraguan córdoba",
- "symbol": "C$"
}, - "NOK": {
- "display_name": "Norwegian krone",
- "symbol": "kr"
}, - "NPR": {
- "display_name": "Nepalese rupee",
- "symbol": "₨"
}, - "NZD": {
- "display_name": "New Zealand dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "OMR": {
- "display_name": "Omani rial",
- "symbol": "ر.ع."
}, - "PAB": {
- "display_name": "Panamanian balboa",
- "symbol": "B/."
}, - "PEN": {
- "display_name": "Sol",
- "symbol": "S/"
}, - "PGK": {
- "display_name": "Papua New Guinean kina",
- "symbol": "K"
}, - "PHP": {
- "display_name": "Philippine peso",
- "symbol": "₱"
}, - "PKR": {
- "display_name": "Pakistani rupee",
- "symbol": "₨"
}, - "PLN": {
- "display_name": "Polish złoty",
- "symbol": "zł"
}, - "PRB": {
- "display_name": "Transnistrian ruble",
- "symbol": "р."
}, - "PYG": {
- "display_name": "Paraguayan guaraní",
- "symbol": "₲"
}, - "QAR": {
- "display_name": "Qatari riyal",
- "symbol": "ر.ق"
}, - "RON": {
- "display_name": "Romanian leu",
- "symbol": "lei"
}, - "RSD": {
- "display_name": "Serbian dinar",
- "symbol": "дин."
}, - "RUB": {
- "display_name": "Russian ruble",
- "symbol": "₽"
}, - "RWF": {
- "display_name": "Rwandan franc",
- "symbol": "Fr"
}, - "SAR": {
- "display_name": "Saudi riyal",
- "symbol": "ر.س"
}, - "SBD": {
- "display_name": "Solomon Islands dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "SCR": {
- "display_name": "Seychellois rupee",
- "symbol": "₨"
}, - "SDG": {
- "display_name": "Sudanese pound",
- "symbol": "ج.س."
}, - "SEK": {
- "display_name": "Swedish krona",
- "symbol": "kr"
}, - "SGD": {
- "display_name": "Singapore dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "SHP": {
- "display_name": "Saint Helena pound",
- "symbol": "£"
}, - "SLL": {
- "display_name": "Sierra Leonean leone",
- "symbol": "Le"
}, - "SOS": {
- "display_name": "Somali shilling",
- "symbol": "Sh"
}, - "SRD": {
- "display_name": "Surinamese dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "SSP": {
- "display_name": "South Sudanese pound",
- "symbol": "£"
}, - "STN": {
- "display_name": "São Tomé and Príncipe dobra",
- "symbol": "Db"
}, - "SYP": {
- "display_name": "Syrian pound",
- "symbol": "ل.س"
}, - "SZL": {
- "display_name": "Swazi lilangeni",
- "symbol": "L"
}, - "THB": {
- "display_name": "Thai baht",
- "symbol": "฿"
}, - "TJS": {
- "display_name": "Tajikistani somoni",
- "symbol": "ЅМ"
}, - "TMT": {
- "display_name": "Turkmenistan manat",
- "symbol": "m"
}, - "TND": {
- "display_name": "Tunisian dinar",
- "symbol": "د.ت"
}, - "TOP": {
- "display_name": "Tongan paʻanga",
- "symbol": "T$"
}, - "TRY": {
- "display_name": "Turkish lira",
- "symbol": "₺"
}, - "TTD": {
- "display_name": "Trinidad and Tobago dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "TWD": {
- "display_name": "New Taiwan dollar",
- "symbol": "NT$"
}, - "TZS": {
- "display_name": "Tanzanian shilling",
- "symbol": "Sh"
}, - "UAH": {
- "display_name": "Ukrainian hryvnia",
- "symbol": "₴"
}, - "UGX": {
- "display_name": "Ugandan shilling",
- "symbol": "UGX"
}, - "USD": {
- "display_name": "United States (US) dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "UYU": {
- "display_name": "Uruguayan peso",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "UZS": {
- "display_name": "Uzbekistani som",
- "symbol": "UZS"
}, - "VEF": {
- "display_name": "Venezuelan bolívar",
- "symbol": "Bs F"
}, - "VES": {
- "display_name": "Bolívar soberano",
- "symbol": "Bs.S"
}, - "VND": {
- "display_name": "Vietnamese đồng",
- "symbol": "₫"
}, - "VUV": {
- "display_name": "Vanuatu vatu",
- "symbol": "Vt"
}, - "WST": {
- "display_name": "Samoan tālā",
- "symbol": "T"
}, - "XAF": {
- "display_name": "Central African CFA franc",
- "symbol": "CFA"
}, - "XCD": {
- "display_name": "East Caribbean dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "XOF": {
- "display_name": "West African CFA franc",
- "symbol": "CFA"
}, - "XPF": {
- "display_name": "CFP franc",
- "symbol": "Fr"
}, - "YER": {
- "display_name": "Yemeni rial",
- "symbol": "﷼"
}, - "ZAR": {
- "display_name": "South African rand",
- "symbol": "R"
}, - "ZMW": {
- "display_name": "Zambian kwacha",
- "symbol": "ZK"
Retrieve General Ecommerce Settings
Retrieves the details of the general ecommerce settings. Helps in fetching items of the ecommerce settings, like country, city, address, location, etc(See Response)
Response samples
- 200
{- "addressLine1": "1234 Lorem Ipsum Drive",
- "addressLine2": "",
- "country": "US",
- "state": "",
- "city": "New Jersey",
- "zipcode": "08053",
- "selling_location": "all_countries",
- "some_countries_excluded": "",
- "some_countries": "",
- "enableTaxes": "no",
- "enableCoupons": "no",
- "currency": "USD"
Set General Ecommerce Settings
To save the general Ecommerce settings with updated values, you need to use this request. (See parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
addressLine1 required | string Address line1 of user. |
addressLine2 | string Address line2 of user. Example: |
city required | string City of the user. |
state required | string State of the user. Example: |
country required | string Country of the user. |
currency required | string Currency of the user's country. |
enableCoupons required | string If yes, coupons gets enabled for users. |
enableTaxes required | string If yes, taxes gets enabled for users. |
zipcode required | string Zipcode of the location of users. |
selling_location | string Selling location. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "addressLine1": "1234 Lorem Ipsum Drive",
- "addressLine2": "aut",
- "city": "New Jersey",
- "state": "aut",
- "country": "country",
- "currency": "USD",
- "enableCoupons": "no",
- "enableTaxes": "no",
- "zipcode": "08053",
- "selling_location": "all_countries"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Settings Updated"
An ECommerce Order is made by the students when they purchase a product hence course. It helps in managing orders and performing CRUD operation on orders.
Order Tabular List
Returns all the orders in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via user(purchased by) and status(status of the order).
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"user":[],"status":[]} for searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "currencySymbol": "$",
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "status": "PENDING_PAYMENT",
- "total": "3001.00",
- "isTestOrder": false,
- "customer": "Demo Student",
- "created_at": "Aug 25, 2020 12:00 AM"
Export Order
Retrieves all the orders made till date and exports it to excel format for letting users download it as excel file. You can use the response for plotting graphs
query Parameters
filters required | string Example: filters={"dateRange":["2020-07-31T18:30:00.000Z","2020-08-30T18:30:00.000Z"],"users":[3],"coupons":[],"products":[1],"status":["PENDING_PAYMENT"]} All the filters after which you need order details in a excel file (filters like date-range, product, customer name, payment status, coupon used, etc). |
Response samples
- 200
Retrieve Yearly Sales
Retrieves the details of yearly based order sales made from students and returns in tabular form. You can use the response for plotting graphs
query Parameters
year required | string Example: year=2019 Year for which you need sales information. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "labels": [
- "Jan",
- "Feb",
- "Mar",
- "Apr",
- "May",
- "Jun",
- "Jul",
- "Aug",
- "Sep",
- "Oct",
- "Nov",
- "Dec"
], - "totalIncome": [
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0
], - "totalOrders": [
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0
], - "currency": {
- "display_name": "United States (US) dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "sumIncome": 0,
- "sumTotalOrder": 0
Retrieve Monthly Sales
Retrieves the details of monthly based order sales for this year made from students and returns in tabular form. You can use the response for plotting graphs
query Parameters
selectedMonth required | string Example: selectedMonth=8-2020 Month for which you need sales information(month_number-year). |
Response samples
- 200
{- "labels": [
- "Aug-01",
- "Aug-02",
- "Aug-03",
- "Aug-04",
- "Aug-05",
- "Aug-06",
- "Aug-07",
- "Aug-08",
- "Aug-09",
- "Aug-10",
- "Aug-11",
- "Aug-12",
- "Aug-13",
- "Aug-14",
- "Aug-15",
- "Aug-16",
- "Aug-17",
- "Aug-18",
- "Aug-19",
- "Aug-20",
- "Aug-21",
- "Aug-22",
- "Aug-23",
- "Aug-24",
- "Aug-25",
- "Aug-26",
- "Aug-27",
- "Aug-28",
- "Aug-29",
- "Aug-30",
- "Aug-31"
], - "totalIncome": [
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0
], - "totalOrders": [
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0
], - "currency": {
- "display_name": "United States (US) dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "sumIncome": 0,
- "sumTotalOrder": 0
Retrieve Product Breakdown Sales
Retrieves the details of product break-down based order sales for this year made from students and returns in tabular form. You can use the response for plotting graphs
query Parameters
selectedDateRange required | string Example: selectedDateRange=2022-08-21 Date Range for which you need sales information(year-month-date). |