How to add Branding & Logo in Portal

Portal have the autonomy to define their own name and logo, allowing them to personalize their portal identity within the platform. This customization fosters a sense of ownership and belonging among group members. Setting up Branding for portal including ability to add Logo, brand colors etc., to create a unique white-labeled learning experience for each portal.

Steps to creating Branding and Logo

  1. Go to the Portal ->All Portals
  2. Select the Portal where you need to add Branding & Logo
  3. Under the Actions column click on (...) and select Manage
  4. Go to the tab 'Branding'

  5. In the Branding Tab you will get fields As

    5.1. Logo : A logo is a symbol made up of text and images that identifies a business. Upload the logo which you need specific to a portal by following below steps:

  • Click on 'Select Logo' . A pop-up will appear .

  • Click on Browse and select the file and click on Open

  • Click on Choose / Select : Once you click on Choose / Select, the selected Logo will appear in portal

  • Click on Update Portal to save the Logo setting

5.2. Favicon: An icon associated with a particular website, typically displayed in the address bar of a browser accessing the site.

  • Click on 'Select Favicon'

  • Click on Browse and select the file .

  • Click on Choose/Select . Once you click on Choose/Select the Favicon will appear in Portal .

  • Click on Update Portal to save the Logo setting

5.3. Portal Language : You can select the Default language for the Portal from the dropdown list .

5.4. Custom font : You can select the Default Font for the Portal from the dropdown list .

5.5. Brand Colors : You can set the colors for Theme, Body Background, Body Text, Header Background according to your choice.

5.6. Custom Style(CSS) : Using Custom Style the Portal Admin will be allowed  to add their own Custom CSS code that automatically gets applied to the particular Portal in which it has been added to achieve their specific look.

5.7. Custom Code (JavaScript): you can add JavaScript using <Script> tag to enhance the functionality. for e.g.., to use 3rd party code like google Analytics, Chat widgets etc. This is optional setting.